
Who CMS Meccanica Tonon works for

Choose the quality of CMS Meccanica Tonon in precision mechanical machining: we have been operating in this sector for over 40 years!

From our foundation to today we have worked constantly to expand our product range, over 40,000 codes per year and 140 types of assembled groups, coming to be a landmark for various product and industrial sectors.


Our company manufactures parts for assembled units for the operation of machinery or applications for the electronics and tobacco industries. One of our main activities is the production of precision components for the oil industry, with application in extraction and refining plants. We also have an excellent experience in shipbuilding. All those companies that deal with the construction and repair of machinery also turn to us for packaging and industrial automation.

The possibility of processing hypoallergenic and certified materials for contact with food has allowed us to work also with companies that produce machinery and systems for the food industry.


CMS Meccanica Tonon offers precision mechanical components in metal and plastic for a variety of applications. Our machines are very versatile and capable of processing a wide variety of materials for different needs, with extreme precision, adaptability, and autonomy.

We owe this to our competent technical department, which is always up-to-date on the latest technologies for different applications, and our experienced operators, who are always on hand for Italian and foreign customers who need clarification, information and correct answers.

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